Friday, November 4, 2011

The Sorta Newlyweds And Two Munchkin Kitties


Welcome to my little blog:) This post is in response to Kelly's Korner Show us Your Life Friday- Non-moms. So Welcome! I have been blogging for about a little over a year now and I started it out just to share with my "peeps" who don't live near me any more.

Me- known as Porkchop, or Natchell ( like satchel)

Born in the eighties I love writing, history, people, cooking, animals, reading, and last but really first God.

 (I am kind of obsessed with Biscuits)  

Eh...I guess you could say that I am a little wierd...I mean I am a grown person that still thinks she is a Disney princess:)

Yes...I forgot.... I.  Love. Disney,....Disney World, Disney Land, Disney movies, Mickey, and Piglet

(no-make-up and looking like a little kid)

Husband- My sugar Daddy:) Just kidding...but he is a tad older than me...born in the seventies, loves Star Wars, You-tube conspiracy videos, Every Sport ever created, and last...but really first God

I drag Him to Disney every year

We have been married 3 years

We have Two Cats-

Nipsy-Full name Nipsy Russell

Fleets-Full name Fleetwood Coupe Deville

So again a big HI!! 


  1. Fleetwood Coupe Deville! LOL! So creative! You have a beautiful life, Belle.

    PS: have you ever tried Homesick Texan's biscuits? If not, they will move your obsession forward. :)

  2. Hi Josie!!! LOL He is such a funny cat:) No, I have not tried those biscuits....BUT OH My!!!!!!!! They look so good...YUM!!

  3. hahaha i love this. and i LOVE disney. i haven't been to either theme park since i was young but i would love love to go back. i mean it's magical!
    cute blog.
    i love cats, too
    stopping by from kelly's korner

    im a new follower, btw. :)

  4. Hi Jessica!!! Thank you so much for stopping by:) Yay for Loving Disney!!! Thank you for following my blog, I can't wait to check yours out!!!

  5. So nice to meet you. You and your hubby seem really sweet. My hubby and I are newly weds and we have two animals as well (a puppy and a kitty). I found your blog on Kelly's Korner. :-D

  6. Found your blog on Kelly's Korner! It is so cute! I'm a dog mom, but your cats are so adorable!

    Nice to meet you!

  7. Hi Cristi! Hi Mrs. Miller!!! Thank you both so much for stopping by!! I love Kelly's Korner!

    Mrs. Miller- Aww. Thanks! Congratulations on your marriage! I want a puppy so bad but we are going to wait until we move to a bigger house:)

    Cristi- Thank you! You are so sweet:) My cats are so funny, Nipsy is a girl and the biggest diva ever. lol:) I love dogs!!! I want 2 actually a chow-chow and a golden retriever.

  8. Well I am mom to a very spoiled golden retriever! They are the best dogs ever! Really enjoying reading your blog!

    Have a blessed day!

  9. I love Disney too! :) New follower over from Kelly's Korner!

  10. Hi Cristi! I have always wanted a golden retriever! I think they are just the cutest dogs ever:)

    Hi Arielle!!!! Welcome! Thank you for stopping by:) I can't wait to check out your blog!

  11. reminds me so much of myself! i am in my mid 20s and my husband is in his 40s, we are both childless and with 2 kitties :)
