One thing for sure is that I am getting excited for Christmas. Yay! We put up our tree yesterday, which coincidentally was our first day back home and though our tree be a tad bit lopsided(that was my pirate voice), I let out a sigh of pure joy when we turned the twinkling lights on. Today I am resting up..... I think I have a tummy ache from sheer exhaustion! Pics to follow. Until then I thought this would be fun! The candy cane mice below are from Martha Stewart. How fun! I love crafting.
Directions from Martha Stewart:
On a photocopier, enlarge mice template by 150 percent; cut out. With a pencil, trace ears and body onto felt; cut out. Cut inner ears and a dot for a nose from felt in a contrasting color, cut dots for eyes from black. Glue the face and inner ears in place. Make slits in body for ears and candy-cane tail where marked; to make cutting easier, fold felt across center of slits, and snip. Slip ears through slits at front; then slide wrapped candy cane through body slits, tucking the end underneath the ear piece at the back.
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