Sunday, June 12, 2011

Serendipitous Sunday

Hello Sweets! I am feeling much better:) which is good because I have to teach children's church today! I have been thinking a lot lately about the path that God has set me on....and quite frankly I have been letting the world and everyday things keep me from my purpose. I realized that by doing so I was being disobedient to God.

Disobedient. WOW. That is a word that I never would have called myself. It is so harsh. But deep in my prayer/bible study last week the word just came to me and my soul shivered. I love the lord but I also have a healthy fear of God and know that he chastises the ones he loves. Sometimes his chastisements are not pretty! Well, that very night I went back to task that he called me to do and asked God to forgive me and I repented.

I planted a rose bush some months ago. I never really expected it to grow.  I watered it every day but I have no green thumb.   Imagine my surprise when I woke up one morning to find my little plant had bloomed:)

This is from my cell phone so it is not that good; sorry!

Let's listen to part 7a of Proving Us Genuine 
(Click the Pic) 

Happy Sunday Sweets!

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