Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Elusiveness of Charm

Paige Practices Poise by the uber talented Janet Hill

Charm.  Oh, sigh... how I used to love the thought of you.  This beautiful painting by Janet Hill ( my favorite contemporary artist) reminds me of when I was little and used to practice walking around with a book on my head so that I would have good posture.  My mother gave me little books on etiquette for little girls and I fell in love with the subject.  I never could figure out what exactly charm was.  Was it being nice?  Was it being sophisticated?  What was it?  Well.... I never did figure out exactly what charm is...and settled on just being myself.

I love this little book, it is one of my favorite reference books and has lots of good jewels in it!


  1. Well, hi--and thanks for stopping by my blog. And thank you for your prayers, too. I am gratefu. Deb

  2. Hi! I love your blog:) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Now I'm gonna have to look up Janet Hill! That book sounds charming! =) I checked out the Amazon preview....I may just get one.

    Thanks for expanding my world!
